Participatory Ecosystem Management Project which is implemented in Kiteto District by KINNAPA Development Programme with great support from United Nation Development Program (UNDP) was started in October 2022 with the purpose of Improving the quality of life of pastoralists, and hunter-gatherers by enhancing proper management of the grazing areas for reliable pastures and conserved environment and culture. Participatory Ecosystem Management Project is built on SRMP project and it aims at helping communities to manage their natural resources especially land and environment in general by combining both traditional techniques and modern frameworks. The project activities also help in understanding good governance of resources, climate change resilience, gender mainstreaming and economic empowerment to women. As the project intention was also to make double layers protection to the areas that were protected traditionally by issuing CCROs and if possible to gazette them.
The project conduct an interesting dialogue between traditional leaders, government officials, religious leaders, representatives of pastoraists and farmers on the governance of natural resources and the effects of climate change.
Project Goal: Improving the sustainable management of OLENGAPA and ALOLLE ecosystem for betterment of pastoralists and hunter-gatherers communities in OLENGAPA and ALOLLE Villages. Purpose: To improve the quality of life of pastoralists, and hunter-gatherers by enhancing proper management of the grazing areas for reliable pastures and conserved environment and culture. Objectives 1; Demarcate and process CCROs and Build capacity of Stakeholders on governance of natural resources and Decision Making. Objective 2; Enhance the improvement of proper land use management and promotion of environmental conservation and protection. Objective 3; Encourage pastoral women participation in ecosystem management and enhance promotion of economic autonomy and environment justice to indigenous women.